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Updates: Delivers Personal Protective Equipments to North Macedonia . . .

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We’ve Funded 150K Rs.

About Parambha Fondation

Here to Bring People Together
to Help

“When the children understand the language of love, society becomes a heaven for all.”

With a vision for an equal society and a mission to do whatever it takes, Prarambh started its journey in the year 2019.



Our Vision:
Prarambha initiates through performing art

By giving the platform equally to everyone.

  • To grow self esteem, confidence, personality development
  • Present the diversity of our culture through dance, drama, music and other forms
  • To promote the innovative concept of "Drama in education" in rural & urban areas
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Our Mision:
Create a healthy inclusive, interlink society

By using our Traditional arts to reduce

  • The economical, intellectual, physical, sexual gaps, to give equal respect to all
  • To create a strong bond, by giving opportunity to every element of the society
  • To give training to the teachers & young generation to form an inclusive
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Urgent Cause

Syria: Millions of People doesn’t Eat All Day

Royal Parks Half Marathon Dharms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee…

  • Date:

    July 10, 2021

  • By:


Recent Donors

Thousands of Donors Choose Pure Hearts
for High Impact Causes

Our Recent Events

Inclusive Theater Wrokshop

To develop motor skill, psychomotor, communication,
social skills, and imagination skill to boost confidence in kids.

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Event Sponsors:

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Benefits of Giving

Bring More Meaning to Your Life & Family

Your contribution towards an inclusive society, where every uniqueness is celebrated.

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Improve Self-Esteem

Achieve a greater sense of satisfaction and growth as it feels good to help others.


Reduce Your Stress

Enjoy - joy of giving, feel inner happiness and reduce stress. Do more, Give more, Be more.


Financial Benefits

The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does.


Familial Benefits

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Meet Our Team

Most Passionate Team Members

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure,


Success Stories, To Know About Our Charity

The majority have suffered alteration all injected humours randomises.

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This is World Cancer Day, We Provide Care

Vivamus neque sem, dignissim non aliquet a, maximus ut felis.…

The Last Day of World Hunger Month

Fusce sapien metus, viverra eget sollicitudin id, convallis et leo.…

How Much Can Someone Afford To Give?

Nulla finibus sapien a nisl euismod aliquam. Praesent facilisis pretium…