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About us

About Parambha Fondation

Help the Society, Donate to the Charity

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“When the children understand the language of love, society becomes a heaven for all.” With a vision for an equal society and a mission to do whatever it takes, Prarambh started its journey in the year 2019. Our first step to bring specially abled children closer to society was a success when an audience of hundreds gave a standing ovation to their performance.


Abhay Avsak

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5+ Years of Experience

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021


Social Art for Behavior Change Approach:
Overall social, personal skills development without pen and paper in the form of innovative playful activities.

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A healthy way to judge your abilities:
To help outcome your inner strength, improve courage to face the audience.

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Tree planation

It's our responsibility to make our planet green:
Connect the children with mother nature. Understand them to nurture, conserve and feel best to you.

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Meet Our Team

Most Passionate Team Members

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure,

About Parambha Fondation

Prarambh Facts & Figures

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects,
dislikes or avoids pleasure itself pleasure.






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